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Dance Me to My Song (1998 ) More at IMDbPro »

2 out of 4 people found the following review useful.

The London Film Festival Star Movie. . 17 November 1998

Author: Icon-5 from Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Ok, I did the whole nine yards:saw LONDON, the PALACE( did not meet the Queen)Saw the sights and heard the sounds, met wonderful people and saw a great movie at the Festival. Dance Me To My Song is unforgettable, mesmerising, thought provoking and emotionally charged.

Story of ulia is played by Heather Rose, a cerebral palsy sufferer/co-writer. She keeps your attention hooked with the aid of her emotional nemesis Madeline, played by Joey Kennedy. This movie is a must see and makes a refreshing change from what we suffer in our local theaters. Initially, a tad slow to begin with the movie picks up remarkable pace and energy as all the characters come to the fore front and yes I said characters because this is one movie where the director, Rolf De Heer has not sacrificed his characters to the gods of money or editing. Look out for the touching cameo by the brilliant Rena Owen.

The direction is great. Currently I am busy locating other Rolf De Heer movies like Bad Boy Bubby. Another great Australian director.

this is a must see movie.


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